Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Eleven Months as a Widow

Life has been extra busy the past few weeks.  Around the time of the actual eleven month anniversary of Jay's death, I was just trying to make it to our Winter Break from school.  I have been thrust into covering a fifth grade class for a teacher who has had vocal surgery (was supposed to end on Jan. 8th, but has now been extended until at least Feb. 3rd).  Then Christmas and birthdays (mine and Mom's) came.  I spent almost a week at my parents' house for the events.

While I had some down time at my parents' house, I didn't feel like digging deep into my feelings about yet another month without Jay.  The holidays were hard.  While it was good to be with family, it was also emotionally painful.  Watching my happy siblings and their spouses, and knowing that I'll never have that again.  Wishing that Jay was there.  Made even harder thinking about all the mess that happened last year at this time leading up to his death.  

Today is New Year's Eve, and I'm back home.  Decided to spend it alone instead of staying at my parents'.  It would have just been me and my parents anyway.  All of my siblings and their families went home yesterday.  I've made Jay's favorite sausage balls.  Cried through that, so maybe that wasn't the best idea.  I'm thinking I'm just going to turn in early tonight and sleep through the ringing in of the new year.  It's just too fucking sad and depressing without my love here.

I've never been one to make resolutions, and I'm not about to start now.  So as I look toward 2020, I'm still just trying to survive each day.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ten months as a Widow

Just reread my last post.  That pretty much still sums up how things are.  So read that if you want more details than what I'm writing here.

I've been feeling really restless the past couple of weeks.  It's a mixture of loneliness, dread of the upcoming holiday season, and missing Jay.  What the hell am I doing with my life?  I feel stuck in a rut, spinning my wheels.   Still no luck on the new friend front, and my old friends feel distant.  *sigh*  I just don't know.

No photo description available.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nine months as a Widow

It has been a very busy month - school, my classes, whatnot... Yet through it all, thoughts of Jay are always there.  I don't cry as often, but when I do, the pain is just as bad as it was at the beginning.  I'll never stop missing him.  I'll never stop loving him.  Grief is so hard.  I want it to be done and over with, but I don't want to stop loving him.  I'm tired of navigating the mine field each day.  Never knowing when something is going to blow up in my face and leave me crying.  The landmines seem to be spread farther apart as time goes by, but they are no less damaging when I hit one. 

It's a very lonely existence though.  My friends all have their own stuff going on - one has a husband with kidney failure (like Jay had), another's mom died exactly six months after Jay, and so on... So we're all dealing with shit.  Life is pretty sucky right now.  I made an attempt at making a new friend at work.  You know, trying to extend the acquaintance outside of work, but timing has been off on everything.  Each week we've tried to meet up after work, but something either gets in the way on her end or on my end.  And then I often just don't feel like making the effort anymore.  Some days I'm just so tired.  I make myself get out of bed and go to work and go through the motions of the day, but I'd much rather just be snuggled up in bed. 

The song "Tunnels" by Nothing More keeps coming up when I listen to Pandora.  I finally really listened to the words.  This is a massively long tunnel that I'm going through right now.  Don't know when I'm going to see the light at the end. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

18th Wedding Anniversary

Today would have been our 18th wedding anniversary.  18 years.  It seems such a long time and such a short time all at the same time.  Like one could say, "Wow!  18 years!  You lasted longer than a lot of people."  Or as I say, "I only had 18 years with him.  It could have been so much longer."  It doesn't feel like 18 years at all to me.

I spent the weekend up in the mountains with family.  Then today, I went up to the hill behind my parents' house where we got married around noon to kind of settle myself in, do some journal writing, and some crying.  At 1:00, I started playing some of our music from the reception ending with the song that Jay sang to me at our wedding - "Ribbon in the Sky" by Stevie Wonder.  I spread some of his ashes while the song played.  I never really understood what a ribbon in the sky was supposed to mean, but I guess now it stands for Jay.  Jay is now my ribbon in the sky.

Love you forever, my Jaybird.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Eight Months as a Widow

I have missed Jay terribly this month.  In all the little ways and for all the little things that make a man your husband and make having a husband worthwhile - all the things that made Jay my best friend... 

    ...a shoulder to cry on when things get rough
    ...someone to talk to about the every day things
    ...someone to come home to
    ...a listening ear for even the craziest ideas or thoughts
    ...someone to listen to
    ...arms to hold me tight
    ...cold toes pushed against the back of my legs
    ...a bony elbow poking in my back 
    ...a warm body wrapping around me in the middle of the night

and so many other things. 

I missed him so much this month.  School started back in session, and he wasn't there to help me get things ready.  He wasn't there to listen to me bitch about waste-of-time meetings.  He wasn't there to wish me a good first day of school.  He wasn't there for me to come home to and tell how things went each day.  He wasn't there to hear about my students - the good and the bad.  I started grad school; he would have been so proud of me.  He wasn't there...

He isn't here.

It hurts so bad sometimes.  I miss him so much.  My best friend is gone.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Seven Months as a Widow

Seven months.  How is it seven months?  When it feels like I just spoke to him yesterday.  Just held him in my arms yesterday.  Just had dinner with him yesterday.  Just took him to the doctor yesterday.  Just ....whatever... yesterday.

There are still days that I just cannot believe he is gone  My Jaybird, gone forever.  Days that are gut-wrenchingly hard to get through.  Days that I just want to stay in bed or lay in my hammock all day.  But I force myself to get up, eat some breakfast, and do something.  Because I feel like if I give in to a day in bed, I might not ever get out again.

As with other months, I've written about what seemed to be the prevailing "theme" of the month.  This month had me missing the physical part of our lives.  Jay was a very physical kind of person.  He liked to touch, he liked to hug, he liked to kiss, he liked to make love.  I'm not so much a physical person.  I enjoy kissing and love making, but I'm not a touchy-feely kind of person.  I'll hug you, but it's gotta be on my terms and in my time.  My family has never been really touchy-feely, and I kind of came out that way too.

But Jay... oh how he loved to touch.  Holding hands, snuggling up together on the couch, hugging, walking with his arm around me, kissing me, making love to/with me... he loved it all.  I loved it too, in my own way, but it wasn't the same as him.  He thrived on physical contact.  It's like he needed a certain amount of it each day, which as the introverted, not-into-being-touched person that I am, I never really understood that.

When he started to lose his eyesight a few years back, he took a course in learning how to use his white cane.  Part of that course was learning how to walk with another person as your guide.  Normally, and he totally learned it this way, the blind person walks holding the elbow of the person with whom they are walking.  Walking with me was awkward that way, because I was enough shorter than him for it to be uncomfortable.  So he adapted by putting his hand on my shoulder.  Every time we left the house, there he was on my shoulder.  Who knew I'd come to miss his hand on my shoulder.  And in all honesty, he hadn't been able to walk beside me for about a year before he died, because he had his right foot amputation, and there was a slow healing ulcer on his left foot that had him mostly in a wheelchair. But nonetheless, I miss the feel of his hand on my shoulder.

Laying in bed, I used to love to half-lay on top of him with my head on his shoulder or chest and his arms wrapped around me.  Or I loved it when he would lay on top of me (he was always skinnier than me) in whatever position struck him at the time.  Just cuddling and talking.  Those intimate moments between husband and wife, between lovers, between best friends.

And his lovemaking.  He was so passionate.  He was so playful.  He was so thorough.  ...no more on that... you guys don't need to know everything.  ;-)

He used to joke that I'd miss all his touchy-feely stuff whenever I'd wiggle out of a hug that had lasted too long or had danced past him when I was in the middle of something else, and he was trying to ambush me.  And he was right.  I do miss it.  All of it.  It's part of the empty, hollow space I have inside me now.

I'm finding nighttime is the hardest... when I miss this man the most. This was taken five years ago on his birthday. He was being goofy and trying to distract me from whatever I was doing on my computer (probably something school related).
Love you forever, my Jaybird

Officially changed my name back to my maiden name.
Well, that was easier than the DMV this morning - form SP-600 Resumption of Former Name, 3rd floor of the courthouse, no line at the Special Proceedings window, then on to the cashier (no line), then back to the Special Proceedings window (still no line), and back to my car. $10 for the form processing and $1 for 23 mins of parking. Now I just have to get my "official" birth certificate from my parents, and I can have another go at the NC Real ID. Now I need some lunch, it's already been a long day.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Six Months as a Widow

Six months as a widow: The resounding theme this month has been regret. Looking back, there are so many things I regret not doing with Jay - places we never went, things we didn't do, people we didn't visit, etc. There are so many things I wish we'd done differently. My regret has not been just for the past, but for the future as well - all those things we'll never get to do together, those places we'll never get to go to together - now that he's gone.
I know there's nothing I can do about any of my regrets, but they are still there, torturing me. Damn "ifs" have been haunting me... "If only..." "If we had..." "What if..." Hindsight is always 20/20, they say. *sigh* It's hell, too.

June 19
I call them 'landmines', and I encountered one today.
Love you forever, my Jaybird

July 4
Fourth of July is hard, because I firmly believe that everything went sharply down hill after Jay broke his leg on July 3rd two years ago. Broken leg, pressure ulcer, infection, amputation, wound care for a year on the pressure ulcer, another infection, and talk of another amputation. Too much.
Love you forever, my Jaybird

Celebrated one year since we adopted Bella:
July 16
One of my favorite pictures of Jay and Bella.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Five Months as a Widow

June 18
Five months since Jay died... five months as a widow. I was going to write about the loneliness of widowhood and grief, but looking back at month four, I've pretty much covered that already. So I will write about something close to loneliness - missing intimacy. I've never been a touchy-feely kind of person, however Jay very much was. Who knew that one day I'd be yearning for his touch, and I don't mean sex (although I do miss that intimacy as well). I mean the everyday touches, the hugs, the quick kisses in passing, the deep lingering kisses, the knee squeezes while I was driving... every intimacy between people who have been married a long time.

June 9
My first breakfast in the park without my Love... of course, had to get Biscuitville in honor of my Jaybird.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Four Months as a Widow

May 18
Four months since he died. Four months as a widow. The main thing that I have struggled with in this fourth month has been loneliness. The all-consuming loneliness of having gone from having your best friend and lover with you 24-7 to having no one. Holy fuck, it's awful. The person you told everything to - gone. The person who told you their hopes and dreams - gone. The person you kissed goodbye in the morning when you went to work and hello in the evening when you came home - gone. The person who held you when you cried - gone. The person you cared for day in and day out and took to the doctor/hospital/labs/etc. - gone. The person you loved with all your heart- gone. The person who loved all of you - gone. The person who told you everything was going to be alright - gone. In a million little ways - gone. Left behind is an empty space with nothing to fill it but loneliness and tears.
Love you forever, my Jaybird

"Highlights" of the rest of the month.  On April 20th, I attended the Water Lantern Festival and launched a water lantern in Jay's memory (see separate blog post).  For his birthday, April 26, I took a trip to Carolina Beach to spread some of his ashes.  I'll write about that in a separate post as well.

April 30

Miss you every day. Love you forever, my Jaybird

May 1
The past week has been a very lonely one. Love you forever, my Jaybird

May 10
Tammy played it in the car tonight, and it was okay (Jay and I danced to this at our wedding).
Love you forever, my Jaybird

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jay's Birthday - First one since he died

I decided I needed to do something special for Jay's birthday.  After consulting Deloris, I decided a trip to the beach was in order.  I really would have preferred to go to the Outer Banks for this first birthday without him, but that's a long drive for a weekend.  As it was, I asked off work for his actual birthday.  Luckily, it was a Friday.  I decided to go to Carolina Beach, since that was our second go-to for beach time.  I also decided to spread some of his ashes there.  This would be the first spreading of any of his ashes that I'd done.

I arrived to find that my room had been all paid for by my sister Tammy, and then found some lovely flowers in my room from her as well.

I proceeded to light some candles on a donut for Jay's birthday.  He would have been 53.

I got up before the sun the next morning, camped out on the beach, and spread his ashes as the sun rose.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Snap is definitely female!

So with bearded dragons (and many reptiles), it can be hard to tell their sex.  I was 90% sure that Snap was female, but it was finally confirmed for me.  She laid eggs last night!  They are infertile, since she's never been with another dragon, since I bought her three?? years ago.  Pretty cool though.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Water Lantern Festival

On April 20th, I attended a Water Lantern Festival in Charlotte and launched a water lantern in memory of Jay.  My friends Deloris and Lara attended with me.  It was a peaceful night.

The launch:

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Three Months as a Widow

April 18
Today marks three months since Jay's death. (Three months as a widow) Today has been sort of a numb day; not really feeling much. The past month has been really difficult; missing Jay for the little, everyday things and the sharing of stuff that happens living life. It feelings like both the longest and the shortest three months of my life.
Love you forever, my Jaybird

"Highlights" from the rest of the third month:

March 21
And today was something good. I cried through my lunch, because I realized I don't have Jay at home to tell my good news to when I get home.
Love you forever, my Jaybird

March 22
This. This is why his death is so hard. Jay was my home. Love you forever, my Jaybird

March 28
Another successful STEM Night in the books. Mom and Dad came down again with all of Dad's lovely nature stuff for display. Dad said it was the best one yet. I'm feeling bittersweet about it, as this is the first one without Jay. I wanted to come home and tell him all about it, but I can't.

April 8
Jay's death certificate finally came in the mail today. Not a good day for it.
Love you forever, my Jaybird