Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Some old (well, not REALLY old) memories got reopened today. It turns out there is a woman at work who is currently in the same situation I was in just a few years ago: her husband is diabetic and is in the beginnings of ESRD. We talked a bit and will definitely talk more. I still feel frustration and fear over that whole situation with Jay. Because it isn't over. Unfortunately, I see the kidney transplant as a postponement. I know people have been known to live for years and years and years with a healthy transplant, but Jay still does not have good sugar control. That is what killed his kidneys in the first place. So its like a can of worms has been opened and my thoughts and emotions are all over the board on this. Its a very hard, very serious situation. I'm glad I can be of help, though, to someone else. We had help of friends and family, but didn't have KNOWLEDGE help... if you know what I mean. No one else had been through it, no one else knew exactly what we were dealing with, and no one else even knew anything really about ESRD and everything that goes with it. I'm glad that I can help make some of that clear to this woman and her husband, because people going through ESRD really need a lot of support that they don't get from the nurses and doctors.

I'm gonna end this for now, because there's school tomorrow, and I really need to go to bed. But I'll be revisiting this.

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