Friday, April 18, 2008

The internet is a time vacuum

I swear I lose more time being online than doing anything else in my life. I can sit down to the computer and start to do something and before I know it HOURS have gone by... and I don't feel like I'm accomplished anything! I just looked at the clock and realized that I have been sitting here for almost 3 hours! And what do I have to show for that time? Not a damn thing. What did I do? I read comics, did my dailies on Neopets, sent out a couple of emails (turns out one of them was one I'd already sent out a few months ago LOL), received & read a few emails, cleaned out my email inbox (somehow I had accumulated 1009 emails!), tried to explain to my husband about making a picture a link on his MySpace page, and read some information about becoming an Associate with I did so much, but have nothing to show for it (other than an empty inbox...which will last maybe until tomorrow morning). And yet I know I could sit on here for a few more hours and still not have done all the things I want to research, explore, or view. There's just not enough time in the day.

My eyes are sandy though, so I should probably give up the keyboard & mouse to my husband and go to bed. Let him get sucked into the internet. I have a good book to read. (-;

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