Friday, April 27, 2012

I knew it would happen

So happy for my dear friend today.  After a year of infertility struggles, she got the news today that she is pregnant.  I think she was seriously beginning to give up hope and faith that it would happen.  I always knew it would.  I never doubted for a minute.  But it's much easier to have that faith when its not directly happening to you. I know she still has a journey ahead of her, because she is a high-risk pregnancy, but I know it will be just fine.  She will follow her doctor's orders to the letter.

Now, me, I know I won't ever be pregnant.  And honestly, it depends on the day as to whether or not that bothers me.  Today, it does not.  And really, it hasn't bothered me in awhile.  Not even when holding my new nephew or my friend hope's new daughter.  Yeah, I did feel a tug on the ole "mother" strings, but nothing major.  I'd love to have a baby of my own, but I know its not going to happen, and I'm okay with that.

Maybe someday, I'll get to be a god-mother and do some spoiling of someone else's child, but until then, I'll just enjoy spoiling my new nephew and my friends' new babies.   :)

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