Saturday, May 28, 2011


My passion of late has been crocheting -- afghans, slippers, hats, baby booties, stuffed hearts, and so on. I love to crochet. Problem? It takes time to complete a project. Some projects are fast, like baby things tend to take about an hour to do -- hats, booties, bibs, etc. and lord knows I'm surrounded by pregnant women these days (which could be another post as I am NOT pregnant), so fast baby projects are good. But other projects take a long time. I've been working on an afghan for my brother. I've had to put it on hold as I need to order some more yarn.

Another problem with crocheting is that it limits being able to do other things. Can't crochet and be online at the same time. Can't crochet and read a book at the same time. Can't crochet and exercise (ugh!) at the same time (don't have a stationary bike). Can't crochet and bake at the same time. I've been able to sort of fix the reading and crocheting problem by listening to "books on tape" (guess they aren't called that anymore as they aren't on tape anymore), but haven't found a solution for the rest of it. So my crocheting is mostly limited to an hour or two before bed. I get myself all ready for bed, climb in with my supplies (yarn, hooks, pattern, mp3 player) and go to it for an hour or so. Now I have to find more recorded books. I've almost exhausted the supply of books on CD from the library (books by authors that I like, that this). These I rip to my computer and then load to my mp3 player (which I'm now on to my hubby's mp3 player, because something is now wrong with the connection to the computer from mine). I suppose I could venture into other authors.... or, heaven forbid, PAY for an audiobook. LOL

My husband has been trying to find a way to make money off of my crocheting. Which I suppose is entirely possible, but as I've pointed out to him several times, it takes TIME to make these things. One possibility has come available to me that I discovered through a friend (Hi Gypsi!) that buys things from this site -- Its an online "store" for handmade items. From what I've read so far, its 20 cents to post an item for 2 months and they collect a 3.5% fee on your asking price. I'm gonna have to think about this. It has potential.

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