Tuesday, January 31, 2012

stop asking me to teach stuff...

So every now and then I get stopped by a 5th grade teacher asking me to make sure I teach [whatever the current topic is that they are studying], because they don't know what the hell the 4th grade teachers taught last year as their kids don't know shit. Okay, so I'm paraphrasing... or not. But anyway, today I was bombarded by three different 5th grade teachers (one of them doesn't even teach math) telling me to make sure 4th grade teaches fractions beyond what investigations does with it. I can only assume that everyone in 5th grade started teaching fractions this week. Usually I just laugh these things off, but this one was a bit frustrating:

1. I've taught 5th grade before. I think I know what they need to learn in 4th grade to become successful in 5th grade.

2. I didn't teach 4th grade last year, so I don't really want to hear about what 4th grade "team" didn't teach last year. I can tell from the un-opened manipulative kit that I inherited from one of the 4th grade teachers (who is no longer at our school), that it is questionable that ANY math got taught last year (at least in her classroom).

3. I'm just the "bridge" on my grade level. Trying to connect the ever-increasing chasm between the white folk and the black folk on my team. And no, its not a true racial divide, but from the outside it could be seen that way. The other two white women (besides me) are buddied up and "doing their own thing", while the three black women are working together on their own thing. ....okay, this could end up turning into a whole blog about my team, so I will end #3 right now. and just simply say, I can't be the bearer of every message that 5th grade has for the 4th grade teachers, because I don't know what a third of my team is even teaching!!

Breathe, Colleen....

Okay, I'm better. So while I'm glad that the 5th grade teachers are doing their job (and evidently the job of last year's 4th grade teachers), I really don't need to hear about it EVERY time the 5th graders don't know something they should have learned in prior years. Ooooh, which brings me to....

4. Just because a kid doesn't know something, it doesn't mean they weren't taught it. A lot can happen over the summer. And especially over a year, seeing as how we are getting ready to start OUR fraction unit soon. And I know, if almost all the kids aren't showing that they have a clue about equivalent fractions, then it PROBABLY means something was lacking in 4th.

But honestly, I don't want to hear about it today. I'm struggling to get caught back up. I'm about two weeks behind because of jay's surgery, the complications, and follow-up doctor's appointments (hmmm, guess I didn't blog about that one yet).  I'm still in the middle of place value, addition, and subtraction. So give me a break. Talk to the grade chair about these things. :)

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